
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Revolution...20 years later


Romanian Sentiment


"It was the collapse of the system. [I gained power] with my moral authority, which I had acquired in 18 years as Ceausescu's opponent." – Former President Iliescu

'' 'Those who argue political, moral or juridical arguments don't know what is a revolution,'' Mr. Brucan said later. ''It's like in war: If you don't shoot, he'll shoot you…. [The bullet-ridden bodies] were the proof of the pudding.'' – Brucan

Pro-Conspiracy Theory

"Mr Iliescu knows, in my opinion, everything that happened in December 1989 and participated in mind-boggling decisions for a normal person to comprehend. [Some] 900 people were killed after he had taken power and [he] tried to build his own plinth as a revolutionary on 900 bodies," –Teodo Maries, Surviving Revolutionary

"I was the executioner, and the trial was a farce. But the verdict had been pronounced, and it had to be carried out. I was one who carried it out." – Dorin Carlin, Firing Squad Executioner

"Tensions were stirred up at the time to create reason to kill Ceausescu. [To find the truth] you'd have to ask Iliescu." – Former General Stanculescu

Western Sentiment


Like most ex-Communists, Romanians love a good conspiracy theory and this is the best one: the 1989 revolution was organised by shadowy local leaders hand in hand with international intelligence agencies. This explanation also enables Romanians to blame others (the plotters, the Russians) for their current ills, a bit like the Scots blame the English for all their troubles.” -Rupert Wolfe-Murray

“As they mark their anniversary, Romanians should take pride in their revolution. They exhibited enormous courage, defying the dictator's tanks and guns with their bare hands to win freedom and the chance of a brighter future. But for many, the promise… has yet to be fully redeemed.” –Alan Eisner, Huffington Post Journalist

Pro-Conspiracy Theory

 ''The idea that the wicked witch and her husband the bad tyrant were taken down simply by the people rising up is a fairy tale….” - Mark P. Almond, Oxford Professor

In all the interviews we’ve done, the myth of the revolution still exists but only in order to be negated. The notion of a betrayed revolution prevails, of a revolution that was claimed by the background players of the old system.” –Milo Rau, Author of Dramatized Play Concerning Trial/Revolution

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