
Friday, March 1, 2013

Life Under Ceausescu's Rule

“Under Ceausescu’s rule the people of Romania had experienced severe food rationing, power cuts and fuel shortages, the abolishment of contraception and abortion, state controlled censorship of the media …totally manipulated and controlled, the Romanian people suffered oppression for 21 years disciplined and monitored by the ‘Securitate’ Ceausescu’s secret police.”  
--University of Southern Queensland’s school resources webpage
“Ten years ago, Romania was riddled with informants for the Securitate, the secret police. Food was short, heat scarce, open dissent impossible. “
--Donald G. McNeil, for the New York Times, written in 1999

Nicolae Ceausescu was extremely politically involved—often meeting with diplomats from all over the country. In fact, according to, “As Romania's supreme ruler, Ceausescu sought closer ties to the West. He welcomed newly elected President Richard Nixon in 1969 and traveled extensively. He also fostered more agricultural and industrial development, and tried to foster a better relationship with China.”

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