
Friday, March 1, 2013

Overview of State Media in Romania under Caeusescu and then under Iliescu.

Ceausescu’s secret police maintained rigid controls over free speech and media – there was zero toleration for opposition or internal dissent. The state police controlled everything from personal publications to the few extant computers and registered typewriters. The only state television station broadcasted for 2-3 hours a day – “good news was the official message of the day.” Radio communications were monitored, mail was intercepted, and targets were surveyed with hidden microphones.  Independent thinking was rewarded with violence (police brutality).

On Feb. 6, 1990, Ilieuscu’s FSN transformed into a political party and except for only a few newspapers, they had extensive control over the Romanian mass-media (particularly the state owned television company). Once again, opposition had no access to state-owned media.


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