
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What do we need to know about Ion Iliescu?

Ion Iliescu (1930- )

Family life:
His father was a railroad worker with communist views in a time where communism as a partisanship was banned
His Wife is Nina Iliescu. They have no children.
1st term- 1990-1996
later he lost reelection to Emil Constantinescu, with 1,000,000 votes canceled. (Thoughts of fraud anyone?)
Served again from 2000-2004
Roles in politics and the revolution:
Joined communist party in 1953
1st post-communist president in 1990
Joined the union of communist youth in 1944 and the communist party in 1953.
He was a secretary of the central committee of communist youth in 1956
Served as head of the central committees department of propaganda and served as minister for youth- related issues from 1967-1971
He was known as the leader of the National salvation front during the 1989 revolution.
After the revolution:
Iliescu and his supporters split from (NSF) and created National Salvation Democratic Front. This later turned into the Party of Social Democracy in Romania. Then that turned into the Social Democratic Party.
He was elected as Honorary President in 2006 which isn’t really an office of power, but more like a title.

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